Saturday, February 23, 2008

some blah

There is a marked difference between being sound at something and being good at something, isn’t there? And at times one may confuse the former as not only being good, but maybe also being great at something! The founder member of the firm I work with calls it the MBA syndrome – MBA for ‘Mane Baddhu Avdeche’ (Gujrati for “I know everything).

My mentor always tells me that there are no shortcuts in any practice when I used to get hassled, everytime that I could not find something instantaneously. He always told me that the legal practice is a lot about knowledge which comes with a lot of experience that one gathers along a rather long and circuitous journey and that one must enjoy every moment of this journey. Because there are no shorcuts.

I guess that is why they call professions “practice”. Its all about practice – like cycling – one needs to internalize the balance before one can do what seem like gravity defying stunts. After all its all about balance, which comes with practice, doesn't it?